Parenting - Beach Cities Moms

Preschool Hunting 101

Preschool Hunting. Oye. From the outside, it’s seems like it couldn’t be that complicated. But, once you’re in the thick of it, it can be really overwhelming. I’ve spent the last few weeks visiting or talking with over a dozen preschools, and with the Moms whose kids...

Former ESPN Anchor Lisa Kerney On Raising An Athlete

Whether you were an athlete growing up or had two left feet, most of us would love our children to have success with sports, and have fun while doing it. As a former ESPN SportsCenter anchor and reporter, Lisa Kerney got an up front and personal view of elite...

How to Honor the Uniqueness and Differences of our Children

Katie Brodkin and Rachel Dilsaver are partners in a new parent education program called The Parenting Village.  They run mommy & me class for moms with babies ages 0-12 months and parenting classes for moms with kids under the age of 5 out of FitOn Studios in...

Vaping and Teens: What you need to Know

The first thing you need to be aware of in regards to vaping? More teens are doing it—every single day. According to a recent study published by the University of Michigan, over 37 percent of 12 graders say they vaped sometime in 2018—compared to less than 28 percent...

Dining Out With Toddlers: The New Routine For A Smoother Meal

Well…..we had a good run A nice, solid 20 months (and roughly 400 dining experiences) where the formula I created to manage taking Teddy out to eat (with, of course, tweaks all the time as he got older) no longer worked. A few weeks ago we had a real eye opener – it...

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